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We are finally a family of five! Our girls prayed for years for a baby brother... Those prayers were answered in the middle of a Pandemic.
During a very uncertain time this little boy brought so much joy and laughter into our lives!
My oldest (10) Aspires to be a airplane photographer. And most the photos you see of me, have been taken by her. :)
Our middle (7) poses as a model for her sister when she practices with her camera, and reminds us that her services aren't free. Lol.
My Husband. My best friend. My biggest supporter! We met while working in children's ministry at our church. I was 27 and had waited for what felt like ages to see God answer the millions of prayers I sent up for my other half. I'd always heard "When you know, you know." And when I met him... I knew. :)
Nate and I have been married for four years now, and carry a burden for married couples. We hope one day, to be much more involved in Marriage Ministry. Both of us coming from broken homes, we want to see others grow together, succeed and thrive in this crazy world we live in.
Which is also one of the biggest reasons I LOVE meeting new couples and hearing all about your story!

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